Hi Everyone,
Everything starts back this coming week and I hope you have all enjoyed the break.
Quick over view of things happening this term:
- if you trained at Stretton Community College in term 1 you will now train at Calamvale Community College - you should have been notified by your coach or the WatsApp group chat. You can also confirm your training times on our website. On our website under training you will fine a training schedual - double click on the spreadsheet to enlarge it. You can also see term dates on this page.
- if you train at Runcorn State high School on a Thursday your times have moved back an hour and the dates are below.
April and May are a very confusing month for us so please be aware of time and date changes. Runcorn State High School will host SPL games on a Thursday which means on certain dates your training will be an hour later.
If your team trains at Runcorn State High School on the dates below you will be starting an hour later on thoes dates:
Thursday 18th April
Thursday 25th April – Public Holiday (no training)
Thursday 2nd May
Thursday 9th May
Thursday 23rd May
Thursday 30th May
Doors are locked until the SPL games are finished so you will not be able to get into the courts.
Other dates to be aware of:
Tuesday 23rd April Runcorn will be hosting Parent/Teacher interviews and the Sports Centre will not be available.
Wednesday 24th April Runcorn trainings will be delayed one hour due to SPL games played in lieu of Thursday 25th April Anzac Day Public Holiday.
Reminder – Karawatha Concert is in May (Monday 13th & Thursday 16th May) so no training on these days
Don't forget the movie day
Don't forget our movie day on 21st May and it will make things much easier for us on the day if children wear their Rockets shirts.
We will have a few more things planned in April and May, we will keep you in the loop with what is happening over the next couple of weeks
Sponsored by & Useful links
Useful links
Online Shop -Uniforms, balls, bags, etc
Welcome Letter -Registration Info
Gameday- Online,iPhone& Android
GeneralEnquires – info@rocketsbasketball.com.au
PaymentEnquires – treasurer@rocketsbasketball.com.au If you have paid your registration ‘in full’ but are still receiving ‘Amount Due’ emails, please allow 2 business days for payments to process before contacting us.
Blue Card Services– All club volunteers must have a QLD Govt Blue Card
Rebel Active Membership- Sign up for a Rebel Active Membership and link it to RuncornRockets next time you’re in store. You’ll get special member offers andour club will receive 5% of your purchases to spend on equipment for everyone to enjoy!
ROCKETS REPORT | Holiday camps and Winter gear | 04/06/2024 | 5180 |
ROCKETS REPORT | Nearly the end of season 1 | 04/06/2024 | 5028 |
ROCKET CAM | U10 Game Videos!! | 12/05/2024 | 5445 |
ROCKETS REPORT | U8 - WEEK ONE OF TERM 2 | 18/04/2024 | 4931 |
ROCKETS REPORT | Things occuring in April and May | 12/04/2024 | 4716 |
Announcement | AmericaTour | 10/04/2024 | 4872 |
ROCKETS REPORT | MOVIE DAY - SUNDAY 21st APRIL | 08/04/2024 | 5787 |
ROCKETS REPORT | Camp for U12, U10/8 | 04/04/2024 | 4936 |
ROCKETS REPORT | AGM Rockets Basketball | 01/04/2024 | 5016 |